Trump Selfishly Clings To Conflicts of Interest

We’ve all heard the excuses about why President Elect Trump can not be expected to fully resolve his conflict of interest issues including:

  • Ethics and conflicts of interest laws don’t apply to the President
  • Trump’s businesses are too VAST
  • Trump shouldn’t have to give up everything to be President – it’s just not fair. Besides voters knew Trump owned these businesses.

Here’s the reality –

Continue reading “Trump Selfishly Clings To Conflicts of Interest”

Talk to Us Trump

PE Trump has talked with the us, the American people, ZERO times since election night.  He’s tweeted us, announced a deal with Carrier for 700 jobs, given us a peek into his meeting with the Tech Titans, given reporters off the record sandwiches and chips, given us short blurbs on Boeing and yesterday he gave reporters answers to a few questions on the recent terror attacks.  His Thank You Rallies have been private events (yes large events but still private) with invited guests only.  Attendees who appear not to fit in have regularly been asked to leave his rallies both before and after the election. Continue reading “Talk to Us Trump”

Constitution Prohibits Trumps Conflicts of Interest


PE Trump and the conflicts of interest his business represent continue to taint the PE’s transition into power.  Trump and his attorneys continually say that the conflict of interest laws that members of congress and others must comply with do not apply to the President.  Trump went so far as to say “The law’s totally on my side, the president can’t have a conflict of interest.” in an interview with the New York Times. Continue reading “Constitution Prohibits Trumps Conflicts of Interest”

Trump’s Not So Vast Real Estate Empire

To be sure PE Trump’s owns more real estate than 99% of American but it’s not that great.  It actually is a very short list: Continue reading “Trump’s Not So Vast Real Estate Empire”